Thursday, January 6, 2011

.. welcoming 2011..

The Old Year has gone.  Let the dead past bury its own dead.  The New Year has taken possession of the clock of time.  All hail the duties and possibilities of the coming twelve months!

2011... banyak benda aku mok polah... 1st thing 1st, mok abis kan KPLI dengan jaya nya.. mok lulus praktikal kakya dapat posting di sarawak.. Mok mendidik warga sarawak yang ku cintai.. hahahhaa... Taun tok, azamku sik mok busuk hati... biar la org busuk ati ngan aku... hehehe... semoga TUHAN dgr tok.. Nya dpt bagi aku kekuatan untuk sentiasa menjadi anak Tuhan yang tabah.. hehehe... dah ya, aku mok tolong kakak-kakak aku polah umah.. renovation umah so that umah kmk besar.. ;) Sangat-sangat bertuah di kurniakan dengan keluarga tok.. I love u all.. semoga azam kita semua d tahun baru tok menjadi realiti.. 
The greatest happinesses are family happinesses.  

Rejoice with your family in the beautiful land of life! 

Friday, December 3, 2010

No more brother to go around!

"We didn't get to say goodbye
We're devastated that you're gone
We'd've done anything to keep you here with us
Right here where you belong
We didn't know that life would take
Such an unexpected path
That you'd be separated from us so soon
Heartbreaking reality we struggle to grasp
And bitter though our losing you has been
And so profound is the pain that we bear
We're sadder still at no chance for goodbye
No final expression of our deep love and care
Yet believing that you're not too far away
That your Spirit still lingers quite near
We'll say our goodbyes in our words and our thoughts
Trusting that each one you'll hear
First, know that you were loved in the truest of ways
So deep that only our hearts can give expression
You'll be forever surrounded by our love
For we're sending it straight up to Heaven
Please know that you'll be cherished by each one of us
For your example and kindness we'll treasure
We understand now how your life was a gift
That was meant to bless us forever
And though we'll miss you terribly
We want your Spirit to be free
Free to enjoy all the wonders of Heaven
Not bound to us in our grief
So watch over us with happiness from Heaven ..."

Monday, November 22, 2010

Again.. Kisah Sedih...

Belum pun sampai seminggu cuti persekolahan, satu tragedi malang sudah berlaku. Etu Peter juz passed away!!  Kadang kala Gg berfikir, Tuhan tidak adil..Sesungguhnya, kami belum bersedia untuk menghadapi pemergian mu etu.. We ready if u giving us a sign!! Semalam ( 22/11), kami dikejutkan dengan panggilan telefon . During that time we having our laksa at FULLHOUSE restaurant... Yadi lynn, telling us that etu nadan after lunch.. we rush to hospital hoping that nothing bad happen! GG lansung x nangis pon.. Gg la manusia paling tabah d antara semua! Maybe i'm too busy driving here and there to get the stuff and bring it to hospital..... But, what happen? etu stroke? my dad keep on saying he will be ok but etu cannot talk. When they said, he will be sent to Miri Hospital, I'm too happy.. He can go for private hospital.. No matter how much the fee is coz yang penting selamat! This morning. Gg woke up late coz my dad did not allowed me to go outing.. I heard my mom on phone with yadi lynn.. Yadi lynn told mom that they will fly to kch by helicopter.. blum sempat semua terjadi, etu passed away! OMG, tears rolling down.. still could not believe what had happened to etu!!! Well, RIP etu Peter.. We will miss u.

I Love Her So much!

Erm, first time i saw her was last year.. on christmas day.. She was very loud! huhuhu.. however, kemesraannya la yang membuatkan kami semua rapat.. Erm, 1st time jumpa dah becok... Banyak cerita & kami senang bersama dia. Dia merupakan sebahagian daripada keluarga baru kami.. Namun, tanpa di duga, tanggal 29 Jun 2010 merupakan tarikh malang apabila dia telah pergi meninggalkan kami semua.. Erm, seriously, we still could not accept the fact yang dia telah tiada! kak min, we still miss u.. But I know, God really love u.. Masa berlalu begitu pantas.. almost 5 month dah kak min meninggal kan kami semua.. Doa kami sentiasa mengiringi kak min.. Turun KL jer, dah rindu kak min.. Seeing all ur kiddos & ur spirit will always be with us.. ;( May God Bless u kak Min.. We miss u so fucking damn much!

Today in HISTORY!

hahahaha... today, dad told me to stay back at home.. I cannot go out to any shop around.. So, Gg woke up late.. having heavy bfast with my nieces.. Telur dadar is our special menu!. It's NOVEMBER.. Fabulous NOVEMBER.. School break too... hahahaha.. so, everybody is busy at home.. looking forward for christmas.. mom & dad back home dy after on leave to KL for 4 month.. So, lotsa relatives come & pay them a visit today.. BOSAN! hahaha.. sorry guys.. Gg sik sombong juz blom ada mood nak melayan gik.. Esok mungkin GG layan.. hahaha... 1430, aktiviti bedudun STOP. Parents went out to tamu.. Dad really want to eat mee tapik! Yummie.... Above all, MAKAN adalah perkara wajib in my family! can't wait for DECEMBER.. family photoshoot.. bby soffea alessya, we really miss u much! x0xo~

Sunday, November 21, 2010

My Life!

Was very happy today.. Finally dapat polah my own blog... I love to share bout my life.. Gg sentiasa rasa Gg la manusia paling beruntung dalam dunia tok.. ;) hehehe.. well, I'm 25 yrs old.. Was born on Nov 1st 1985 at Limbang General Hospital. I'm the youngest of 6 girls in the family.... Dad, retired after 35 years working as a government servant..  Mom? Fully House Manager.. Hehehe.. I was brought up in a big family.. Happy one! Thanx God for everything.. Bekas pelajar tadika kemas Limbang.. untuk pendidikan pra sekolah.. then, masuk SRB ST Edmund Limbang frm year 1-6, SMK Limbang from Form 1-5, then continue with my form 6 in SMK Kubong Limbang before  I went to UNIMAS for my 1st degree.. Now, i'm doing my KPLI in one of the IP in Sabah.. huhuhu.. I travel alot.. ;)